Chandra Melo
Coffee experts@The Coffee Lab
3 years
Espresso is different from cappuccino because it consists of a double-shot of espresso served with at least one inch (2.5 cm) of hot water and foam near the rim. Cappuccino, on the other hand, has between 1/3 -1/2 cup (80-120 ml) of steamed milk and a little bit of foamed milk.
Cappuccino is a drink made with espresso and foamed milk, which can then be flavored. An iced cappuccino is just iced coffee with the addition of foam and milk and it's not as popular as an iced latte.
Coffee beans must pass through the filter in the espresso machine at high pressure to produce this stronger brew requiring more finely roasted beans than other coffee drinks. Cappuccinos are traditionally served hot, topped with frothed or steamed milk that has been textured using an electric whisk or steam wand that extends into the cup.
Some may prefer a cappuccino to an espresso as their morning coffee or first drink of the day because it’s softer and creamier due to all those extra calories from the milkfat content in some amount coming from some type(s) of dairy product(s).
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