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Coffee for People Who Don't Like Coffee
A discussion on the top coffee drinks for coffee-haters.
There are millions of people in the world that enjoy coffee daily. On the flip side, there are people that don’t drink coffee because they don’t like it. There are countless ways to drink coffee, all of which alter the flavor and unlock new experiences. For example, if you have a straight shot of espresso and use that as your basis to decide you don’t like coffee - there’s no surprise. However, if you take that same shot of espresso and throw in chocolate syrup and milk, you’ve got yourself a delicious mocha. Although you still may not like the drink, you should at least keep your mind open when it comes to coffee. Eventually, you may find the perfect caffeinated drink for you. Throughout this article, we will guide you through a selection of coffee drinks and help you decide on which coffee is best to drink.
An Open Mind
This isn’t going to help you decide “What drink should I get?”. However, if you’ve already decided that you can’t stand the taste of coffee - you need to open up your mind and be willing to try it again before we jump into this list. You can warp the flavor of coffee into practically anything you want to, so don’t give up just yet.
Caramel Macchiato
For the coffee initiated, starting with a caramel macchiato might not be the smartest choice for convincing coffee haters to order a coffee. Yes, macchiatos are relatively small and contain espresso and foamed milk. However, the addition of caramel into the mix will deflect your taste buds away from the coffee flavor. As well as having caramel syrup in the coffee, the majority of baristas will decorate the coffee with cream and caramel toppings. With all of this flavoring going on, you’ll have finished your coffee before you know it - and likely enjoyed it.
Cafe Mocha
Originating in Italy back in the 18th century, a cafe mocha is just chocolate, espresso, and milk. Typically, you will find the drink shortened to just a “mocha” on menus at coffee shops. This coffee drink is perfect for coffee haters that enjoy a cozy hot chocolate. You get all the energetic benefits of a cup of joe without the dreaded taste of straight espresso. If you decide that the mocha is your top choice on this list of good coffee drinks to order, you won’t struggle to find one - it’s a common coffee drink served at practically all coffee shops.
Irish Coffee
If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage at the weekend, you can answer the question “What coffee should I order?” with Irish Coffee. In an Irish coffee, you will get black coffee, brown sugar, and the spirit of your choice - Baileys, Irish Whiskey, and Tia Maria are excellent choices for this. On top of the drink, there is a layer of whipping cream. This is a drink that takes some getting used to, and the key to getting it correct is not mixing the cream with the coffee. When you drink this coffee, you should sip the caffeinated goodness through the cream. Before you write off this drink, you should definitely give it a go.
Cold Brew
Typically, cold brew is served black and packs a strong flavor. However, you can add sugar and milk to cold brew just as you would regular coffee. Another reason you should try cold brew coffee if you don’t like coffee is that you will find different flavors. The extraction process is different from normal coffee, which means you won’t be faced with burnt or bitter tastes.
As well as the usual cold brew, you should try and get your hands on nitro cold brew, which looks a lot like a glass of Guinness. This is a coffee concentrate that has been brewed and has nitrogen pushed through it. This process takes away the oxygen in the coffee and stops the flavor from depreciating. Therefore, the coffee will remain sweeter for longer. If you don’t like the taste of a nitro cold brew, you should keep in mind that you can’t add extra milk or sugar - you will need to simply move on.
A latte is considered by many as one of the best coffee drinks to order, and it’s certainly the most popular. Latte is Italian and means milk in English. All this drink is, is espresso with steamed and foamed milk poured over. Although the drink sounds simple, it takes skill to pour perfectly and there needs to be just the right amount of foam. If you put too much on, you’re slipping into cappuccino territory. Adding milk to a standard espresso lowers the impact of overpowering coffee flavors.
Lattes are incredibly versatile drinks and can be modified to suit your taste. If you find that a latte is too overpowering, you can try adding a dash of syrup into your cup. In the winter, popular syrups include gingerbread. Alternatively, you can change the milk in the latte to soy milk, coconut milk, or another alternative.
All you need to make a cappuccino is espresso and a good layering of foamed milk. The key to getting the latte and cappuccino right is down to the amount of foam put on top. The foamed milk on top takes the edge off the espresso with a sweet flavor. If you go into a coffee shop, you will likely see baristas using a stencil to add a dusting of cocoa powder to the top. Again, in the same way, that you can modify the latte, you can add syrups to the cappuccino to adjust the taste.
Fun fact time - the name cappuccino is derived from the Capuchin friars. When the milk and espresso mix, it shares the Capuchin robe color. Further, the hood of the Capuchin was called a cappuccio.
Regular Coffee
Don’t worry, we hear you thinking, “Why would regular coffee be the best choice for coffee haters?” - hear us out. When people try a coffee, they likely have it black and decide that they don’t like it. Then, they try adding tons of milk into the mix and don’t enjoy it. After this, people tend to write coffee off and never try it again. However, as you’ve likely gathered by now, coffee can be made in countless different ways. You can play around with the milk and sugar quantities. Alternatively, you can put less coffee in there or use creamer over milk. The point is, you can have coffee however you like, so make sure you don’t give up after the first go.
Dalgona Coffee
This trend was enormous in 2020 and is an exciting take on the usual coffee. Made famous by Korean popular culture, Dalgona coffee is creamy and sweet in flavor - despite the two spoons of coffee you need to make the whip. The idea is that you make coffee-flavored whip cream, pour a glass of hot milk, and add the cream to the drink. All you need to make this coffee at home is instant coffee, sugar, water, milk, and a whisk.
A frappe is the perfect coffee drink for scorching days out. All you need to do is throw your ingredients into a blender before blending and pouring. You should note that you need to blend slowly so that you don’t ruin the drink.
Like many of the other drinks on this list, if the frappe doesn’t suit your taste buds, you can add flavorings to taste. Our favorite addition is caramel, but there are countless other options. Usually, when you go to a coffee shop, you will only find one size on offer. This is likely to do with stock management rather than caffeine intake.
Vietnamese Coffee
If you’ve tried any of these coffee drinks and begun to enjoy the taste of certain coffee, Vietnamese coffee will be perfect for you. This coffee is known for being a sweet choice of beverage. You will need to grab condensed milk and your average brewed coffee. Then, all you need to do is pop the brewed coffee on top of the condensed milk and stir.
Chai Latte
Although this is referred to as a latte, there’s actually no coffee in this one - so any coffee hater can get on board with this. Despite not containing coffee, it deserves a mention just in case the haters struggle to get on board with any of the above suggestions. This delicious drink is made up using black tea alongside a mixture of spices, including clove, cinnamon, and ginger. You don’t have to add milk to this drink. However, since the name suggests milk, you’re likely better off doing it.
Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people globally, but there are also people that can’t stand the taste of coffee. There are countless ways that you can enjoy coffee, and the flavor can be adjusted to suit any taste. Now, all you need to do is keep your mind open and get to taste these coffees.
About the author
Marketing as job, barista as passion. An authentic coffee lover, looking for the next fantastic cup of coffee that I will fall in love with. Coffee, for me, is more than a beverage. It's about community and connection - how can all the world consume the same fruit? And differently? How can we have so many different tastes? I also don't know. And because of this, I feel in love each day more for this world. Happy to share and make a change in the coffee community.