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Scopri le tendenze più in voga al Festival del caffè di Berlino

Tuffati nella scena del caffè berlinese all'annuale Berlin Coffee Festival! Scopri le tendenze nell'agricoltura sostenibile, nella tostatura innovativa e nelle catene di fornitura di grande impatto. Dalle mostre coinvolgenti ai discorsi illuminanti, i consumatori svolgono un ruolo fondamentale.

Chandra Melo
Esperti di caffè@The Coffee Lab

Circa l'autore

Chandra Melo

Marketing as job, barista as passion. An authentic coffee lover, looking for the next fantastic cup of coffee that I will fall in love with. Coffee, for me, is more than a beverage. It's about community and connection - how can all the world consume the same fruit? And differently? How can we have so many different tastes? I also don't know. And because of this, I feel in love each day more for this world. Happy to share and make a change in the coffee community.

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